4-5 day young orphaned fawn

This 4-5 day young orphaned fawn was found next to her dead mother two days ago. She is now resting quietly, consuming her special doe replacement formula.

If you or someone you know encounters a fawn, PLEASE call our rescue hotline or DFW before intervening.

Healthy fawns may lay or stand quietly by themselves […]

Letters: Opinion: Finally, help for lions

Julia J. Di Sieno

May 5, 2013 12:26 AM

Last December, two starving mountain lion kittens were killed in Half Moon Bay by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). An outdated public safety policy forced the department to kill any lion that accidentally wandered into a human-populated area — even an orphaned kitten […]

Hank & Sophie

By Edhat Subscriber

An update on Hank (the Tank) and Sophie, the 2 kitties rescued by Julia and the Animal Rescue Team last summer (from the trunk of a car) are thriving. At 8 months, Hank is already 12 lbs and Sophie a mere 7. The other picture is the two of them at 2 […]

Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities

View a map of the California CDFW regions.

Region 1 County City Name Phone Specializations Shasta Redding Haven Wild Care 530-227-6727 Fawns Shasta Anderson Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation 530-365-9453 All Humboldt Arcata Humboldt Wildlife Care Center 707-822-8839 All Tehama Cottonwood Tehama Wild Care 530-347-1687 Mendocino Willits Willits Wildlife Rehabilitation Team 707-354-1875 all Siskiyou Fort […]

Bobcat Trapping

Julia DiSieno

March 17, 2013 6:35 AM

A bill banning commercial trapping of bobcats has been introduced in the California Legislature in an effort to halt a dramatic increase over the past year in the number of cat pelts sold to China, Russia, Greece, and Italy for hefty pr ices.

The Bobcat Protection Act of […]

EPA Moves to Ban 12 D-Con Mouse and Rat Control Products

EPA Moves to Ban 12 D-Con Mouse and Rat Control Products

EPA is taking action to cancel and remove from the consumer market 12 D-Con brand mouse and rat poison products. These products fail to comply with safety measures that EPA asked registrants to adopt by June 2011 and that are necessary to protect children, […]

Poisoned Bobcat

By Julia J. Di Sieno

On Sunday night our rescue hotline received another call for help. A jogger found this female bobcat shaking under an oak tree in Santa Ynez. While on scene our team witnessed many squirrel bait traps littered on nearly each land parcel. Despite our heroic efforts, treating our suffering bobcat […]


1) Rodents and especially mice are allergic to oil of peppermint and will not frequent a property where they can smell it. If you place a few drops of oil of peppermint on a piece of cotton and place it anywhere you feel that there is a mouse problem, you will never see them again. […]

Mountain lion found in Santa Barbara backyard

A mountain lion roaming a Santa Barbara neighborhood has put residents and an elementary school on alert while wildlife experts prepare to tranquilize the animal.


Raptor Problems

To all, the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service is sending out notice of a potential problem with certain signs and fence posts. The small holes drilled at the top of metal fence posts can trap raptor toes. To remedy this problem if these posts or signs can’t be avoided, a suggested remedy would be to […]